Leadership Assessment
Assessments: Part of Coaching or a Stand-Alone Process
In addition to being integrated into coaching engagements, assessments can also be used as a stand-alone process to help an individual leader or group of leaders gain deeper insights and focus on key development areas. The results from the assessment process provide a solid foundation for meaningful coaching conversations, enabling leaders to identify the highest-leverage focus for their growth and development.
See our assessment tools and processes below.
Leadership 360 Feedback
- Benchmarks® for Managers™
- Leadership Versatility Index 360 (LVI)
- Leadership Effectiveness Analysis 360™ (LEA)
- Leadership Circle Profile™
- Leadership Agility 360®
Emotional Intelligence
- EQ in Action (EQiA)
- Team Emotional Intelligence Assessment (TEI)
- Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I 2.0)
- Emotional and Social Competence Inventory (ESCI)
Personality & Other Self-Assessments
- Hogan Leadership Suite (HPI, MVPI, HDS)
- NeuroColor Personality Assessment
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI)
- Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)®